Since its inception in February 2010, The Stylus is the first ever student run newspaper for the Arlington Campus at George Mason University in Arlington, VA.  Encompassing the School of Public Policy (SPP), the Institute of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, the GMU School of law, the Masters in Arts Management, Business Administration, Public Administration and more, this initiative promotes a stronger and more connected student community.

With The Stylus, you now have the pen to write and share your ideas that not only involve the Arlington Campus but also entails your own goals.  The Stylus provides and outlet for students to share their opinions and thoughts and most importantly, allows them to branch out and get to know who is a part of the Arlington Campus.

It is not just us, friends.

It is you.

So, sit back and enjoy the ride, and feel free to take notes with The Stylus and express not just what the Arlington Campus can do for you, but what you can do for it.

Get Involved.

3 Responses to “About The Stylus”

  1. Ericka Ward said:

    Hello Stylus:

    What is the methodology for sending notes, responses to articles and or the paper in general?

    I have a complaint about some disparaging stereotypes illustrated in your most recent edition.



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